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Finding Locations


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Bulk Triple Vend machines. I am only buying them one at a time as I get a location, though. I don't have the funds to buy a lot of ten yet. 


Since I posted this I have found two: one at a oil change/tire shop and the other at a new hot dog restaurant. I am a little nervous about the hot dog restaurant since I have no idea how many customers it is going to get or if it will be a successful business. 


I still have yet to get a laundromat......however, I did speak to one owner. He and his brothers own 7 laundromats in this area. He said he bought 7 machines a while back but does not have the time to mess with them. He offered to sell them to me, then said he would get back to me as he was going on vacation for three weeks. 


It has been three weeks. Should I call him or wait? Unfortunately I don't have the $$ to buy all of them at once.

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I have gone huge stretches without success. Sometimes things just aren't aligned for what you're looking to do. If you keep on looking, you will eventually get a yes, but you may need to mix up your tactics a bit depending on your area. Give it time, and the state of things will change- almost always in your favor, so don't give up or slow down. You will get one sooner or later. Good luck!

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It looks like you're also looking in one of the harder to get types of locations. Those are more of a honed skill to get. Restaurants are borderline, but the rest would be ones I would target after you learn to read people and know what percentages they are getting. Don't get me wrong, it never hurts to ask, but most of those will have contracts or high commission.

You'll need to bring your A game for those. Practice at restaurants and ask questions if your going commission. If your going charity, have your pitch down tight. Go only between 9-10:45am and 2-3:45 pm to restaurants. They're busy other than that and even during those times the manager may be on break.

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  • 10 months later...

Thanks for all your replies. I am in central South Carolina. I ran into some financial trouble and currently have a night job as well as my full time career job during the day. I still have my two locations, and plan on getting more. I'm not giving up on it. Thanks again.

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