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Deal worth pursuing?


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Saw an ad for 13 placed machines earning $450 gross per month. He said he had 1 2", 1 gumball, 1 u-turn terminator and the rest are 4-way u-turn. He also has 3 additional u-turns for parts and swapping. I don't really like the u-turn machines, but I have plenty of oak singles and doubles I could potentially swap in and sell the old equipment. Plus one of the locs is a flea market(I do have a few homeless racks). Does this sound like something worth pursuing?

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Even if it did half of what he says, I would look at the deal since it is less than 10 months ROI, unless you think you can make more with that money doing something else.....you could always flip the ones you don't want to keep to get the better locations and lose the rest to pay for most of it....

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Ended up buying the route. We went to all the locations yesterday and went over all the details. Seems like a pretty solid route. I won't be changing anything for the time being until I get a handle on how it truly performs.

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