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Competing at the same site


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I have a few locations where I share the location with another vendor. Most were there when I bought the locations, but a few I have popped up afterwards. I've never spoken with them, but we have different products in our machines so I've yet to have a problem. Although I do have a bar location that had a spiral gb machine show up (word place for it I thought). I had a triple in place with a gb head already. I was planning on switching that had put on my next service anyway due to low sales,  so no biggie there. 

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I had a location with a machine already in it, I just offered different selections.  It was a 4 way, with no labels and kinda cloudy plastic. I kept my machine clean and serviced regularly, and had professional labels (from sweetstop) and after two cycles that other machine was gone... But even if it had stayed I was doing pretty good numbers so, like zjtaylor said, never hurts to try.

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go for it and keep your machine clean and looking good also be pleasant with the owner/manager, that goes a long way if they decide there are too many.

Ive seen them come and go and i have a fair amount of locs with competing machines.

There is one guy though that will put in a machine and put the same product in it, jerk move, you'd think he wouldn't want that but he's done it in more than one of my stops.

more often than not I wait it out and they disappear

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