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Where to start?


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I am totally new to the vending world but I've been interested in venturing into it for a long time now. I just have no idea where to start. I'm not familiar with projecting profit and losses ect especially involving vending machines. I am also not familiar with the process from signing up for a vendors license to the first day up and running. I've been to my local Chicago office but i learned that I don't need to go there until I'm ready to apply for the license and await the inspection. Where is a suitable place to store my machines/food until they have destinations? That's something the office rep Told me I was gonna have to figure out. 

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What Chicago local office?  NAMA is in Chicago.  Not sure what type of vending you are interested in bulk, games, full line or MicroMarket.  I always suggest getting a part time job helping with an existing vending company.  Since you are in Chicago you can sign up at NAMA for one of their training programs.



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