And I finally have the demonstration available.
This actually took a lot more work then I expected. (And hope my voice isn't too annoying.) I kept finding things that needed a little change here and there, so made a few changes, and rerecorded these videos. And it didn't help that the video software kept crashing, requiring me to reboot. (I think this was due to a recent upgrade to the video software I am using.)
Also the software I used to record this is limited to 5 minutes (for some r
[size="4"][size=4][u][b]Why Online?[/b][/u][/size][/size]
Why am I developing my vending management software, VIKDR, online instead of for the desktop? Isn't a desktop solution what people have been requesting? Why would I seemingly ignore those requests?
Until now, I haven't adequately explained my reasoning, but I didn't just jump to the idea of putting VIKDR online. Before I even started, I spent at least 4 months thinking, researching, and planing what would work the best, would benefi
I am now rebuilding the expense portion of my app. I had a simple dated list for people to enter each item purchased, and decided that wasn't good enough. I have redesigned and rebuilt that portion of my database, making it more complex, (for me,) but more logical, flexible, and powerful, and just need to redesign the interface.
Records will now be entered as receipts. You will enter the supplier, all products/services supplied, taxes (if any), and shipping (if any).
You will have 2 vie
And after my first demo, I have made some changes to the route building portion of my software.
The updates are:
Locations are now filtered out of the drop down list, and the map, after they have been added to the route. (Still available for other routes.)
A map was added showing the locations in each route.
Buttons have been added to move locations up and down in the list.
Delete is now an icon, and verification before deleting has been added.
Here is a quick demo of the updates runn
Here is the first demo video for VIKDR.
It may be a little small here, so you might want to watch it at Youtube, at least medium size. I recommend playing it at 720p.
I have been updating on Facebook, but then I realized I should be updating here, for all my peeps. (I remember when they only sold peeps around Easter.)
I took time off, right before my wife's surgery. This was so I could help her out, and I have. Since she was unable to put any weight on her foot for 2 weeks, (and being all doped up on Percocet,) it was best if somebody was around to help her out with everything. (Don't want her to end up on one of those "fallen and can't get up" ads.)
As of Friday my wife had surgery on her foot. This was actually the third one she has had, and this one resulted in her big toe being fused. But this also means that I am stuck at home taking care of her. She is not supposed to walk on her foot for 2 weeks, then only on her heel for a while after that. She is stuck on the couch for the time, and I am stuck at home taking care of her, and making sure she can get around without any issues. Pain meds and crutches don't always go together.
Well 2 weeks ago my father had to be taken back to the hospital because they discovered his colon was perforated. This caused leaking into his chest cavity, limiting his ability to breath. Friday he went back to the rehab center, but will need a followup surgery in about 2 months.
During this time I received a a request to remove one of my machines, and discovered another location had moved my machine back into a hidden area so nobody was using it, so I pulled that machine also. A little a
Well my Father is having a lot of trouble moving, and has hip replacement surgery scheduled for next week. As a result I am now taking care of his house, and pets. I am hoping this does not interfere too much with everything I am working on. But family is a priority.
My biggest problem is that he lives in a town outside of mine, and is now staying in another town outside of mine, on the opposite side and further out. And with my schedules, I am the best option for getting him to his docto
With everything going on recently, my sleep schedule is completely out of whack, and I have been distracted. So I have decided that since it has snowed, and will continue to snow for the next day or so, combined with me having 3 days off of work, I have decided to sequester myself and work on my project.
There have been roadblocks, and things I have had to overcome, but since I have started from scratch a few months ago, knowing almost nothing, I think things are going quite well. I had hope