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How today went



Well no actual success I did get some info found a couple of racks AA equipment No info on them. Big one at a Dollar store and a smaller one at a pizza hut in town. I talked to an owner of a local pizza chain store he had a 5' wizard gumball machine. The comment was He gives me 25% I said I have a small 4 way rack ready soon and it and I can do a 25% on it. Plan to vend some Toys I will probably up the gumballs to Nerds GB BB and some toys and see what happens. He said come back and talk with him when I have it ready. I will have to check if It works I will have to see if I can get into some of them in Omaha. Called on a couple of larger places and asked about a break room etc. Said I needed to talk to cooperate. Did so for a hair saloon policy was no food on the premises. Checked with a Mexican restaurant going in. No owner manger can't make the decision. couldn't get a number will have to see if I can find out from one of the Omaha Locations. The most promising was a check cashing place who said he will look into it for me they have one here in the town I live in and 2-3 in Omaha. Just depends on state laws he says. I told him I have one in several stores in the area so he is willing to check if I don't hear from him I will give him a call on Wednesday

a run into Omaha tomorrow and plan on trying to locate some in the morning If I can. See what happens. Need a couple of boxes of GB from Sam's anyway.

The nice thing about this forum It has help open my eyes to expand and try more things to become a success. Most the time people have nothing new to sell. To me a car is a car. 4 wheels 4 people sit in it. Moves from point a to point b. Millions of dollars are spent by Ford, Honda, GM, Dodge, and Toyota etc... On how there little package is better then the next guys.

Did I have a disappointment yes Pizza hut had a rack a BB pinball and then a two headed LYPC or some other plastic machine in there. I don't have anything to compete with thatI The Dollar store had a large Rack also. I Know that maybe I can try Wahoo a town about 15 miles from me and also Schuyler another town not to far. Both have business I can probably locate in.

I sat down last week and looked at a map and thought about how I want to Grow my route. Of course the

1. First choice is the largest area Omaha and the surrounding areas The edge is only 15 minutes from me now they annexed another town between us. Omaha, Bellevue Ne Council Bluffs IA I have a stop there. Most stops Closest to home.

2. Lincoln NE, Around 120,000 College town. Lots of Potential from what I could tell from my visits there. Several small towns I can hit There and back.

3 Norfolk to Columbus to Schuyler to Fremont. Longest run of the three. Small mid size towns between all of the towns Norfolk 26,000 lots of industry there. Same for Columbus about the same size. Lots of nice little small towns between to service. Fremont is 27,000 more of a bedroom community to Omaha now.

It is good to think outside the box once in a while. See how and what way you can grow your business. If you want it to be a business or a toy something for extra money. I want to grow something that my kids or grand kids might want if the are willing to work.

Success is no ones gift it is a matter of hard work. Listening to people and doing what you can to help them and help you.

In the end No machines located but a couple of possibility I found out what someone gives for a commission in the area. Upgrade some mechs offer some toys and give the same cut but If I can move more volume He should see more from my setup then the GB. I did do the figures on the GB machine. Even with a 25% commission his cost per vend is just under 9 cents. So he still makes out OK. My plus is I am local So I hope that helps.


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