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Mars TRC 6512

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The Studio 3 wasn't accepting change this morning, so I got a rag and some glass cleaner and cleaned it up. Spraying the glass cleaner on the rag, of course. Then I blew it out with canned air. Now it takes change.

The mech still won't give up a dime when the button is pushed.

If I set a price to $.85 and buy it with a dollar the machine should give me a dime and a nickle, right? I'm kinda sick and thick headed so I didn't try this when I was at the machine.

When I push the blue button for dimes I don't hear any noise from the solenoid or whatever kicks out the coin. Do I need to take the tubes off and check for a stuck (bent or sticky) dime?

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Could be a bent coin, or a sticky "coin sandwich", or just a worn out coin dispense button.... try the live vend then check for jams if the dimes don't vend... if all else fails you may need to swap coin mechs

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Unplug the mech and dump the coins out.  Look at the last few that come out for any that are bent or stuck together.  If you meed a mech for it you can email me at rbepic4gatgmaildotcom.

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I set a price to $0.85 and test vended it with a dollar. A dime and a nickle was returned as change. Bad button.

All prices are in quarter dollar increments, so this machine could do better with three quarter tubes. I was just worried sales would stop on Sat. afternoon when the mech ran out of change.

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I don't think you can get three quarter tubes unless it's at least a 4 tube mech. Either way, you would want nickels at least in case they don't have exact change  (i.e. 2 quarter and 3 dimes).

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Yes. The 1st floor soda machine has a four tube mech with three tubes of quarters and one nickle. Price all $1. DBA takes $5 bill and returns one can of soda and sixteen quarters. I can see three quarters and three dimes buying a can of soda and one nickle in change.

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If you get a lot of 5's you might want to look around for a changer that includes a dollar coin tube.  I am leaning towards the new MEI changers because of the ease of swapping cassettes to get the best setup for each location.

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