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Dixie Narco 600E Coins Not Going In

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When I put coins through the coin slot, for some reason they get stuck sometimes and they don't make their way into the coin changer.

Anybody know whats the best way to fix this problem?

I have attached a picture to show the clear plastic piece where the coins get stuck.

I have taken the top plastic piece off to clean it and tried putting it back on.

Sometimes the coins work for a while but sometimes the coins get stuck before they go down all the way.

Do I just need to replace this part and if so where can I get it from?

Thanks for any help.



Dixie Narco 600E Coin Part.jpg

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That is a Vendor Defender coin chute and they are no longer made for the reasons you mention.  If the chutes are taken apart and snapped together too many times the latches loose their strength and the chute won't stay together.  Email me at rbepic4gatgmaildotcom and I can send you a replacement chute.

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