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Vending traveler's knick knacks at the local Hostel?


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I'm thinking the local hostel might be a good place to set up a glass front (plexiglass) machine offering an assortment of miscellaneous items travelers run out from time to time.

Youth hostels tend to be a hodge podge of folks with various means who can also be rather rambunctious. So with that in mind, are there any special precautions I should consider before setting up shop?

As a traveler myself, I'm fairly well informed on the types of products that might sell well.

I'm thinking cell phone chargers, socks, bandannas, cheap generic sunglasses, travel towels, sun block, hang over medicine, perhaps hygiene products and maybe some local souvenirs.

One idea about it, is I could try to sell mostly non-expiring items for a higher markup, so that the items move slower but still yield a decent return. 

One down side, is that winter months might turn into a crap shoot, and items like sun block would need to be replaced by scarfs or something.

What d'you guys think? As someone brand-spanking-new to vending would I be setting my self up failure or be quickly on my way toward unforeseen riches? Would love to hear your thoughts!

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  • 1 year later...

I think it is a great idea I started with 1 vending machine in a small hotel and even though the hotel gave out free shampoo and soap, etc.. I started selling tylenol, sunglasses, and various other items in my snack machine they did very well but the hotel saw my success and then started selling the same items at the front desk so I moved on to other vending ideas. So, yes give it a try.

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