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Ideas to reduce snack spoilage

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I have a few combo machines on location(I know, I know, I didn't know any better when I got them) and am having a significant problem with snacks going out of date. Most of the locations could probably do with just a drink machine as snack sales are very very slow.

I was thinking, what can I put in there that will last for a long time. Chips seem to only be good for a month or so. I tried small peanut packs from sams, but they didn't sell either. Granola type bars didn't sell and pastries sold for a little while, then sales nose dived. Candy has not done well either except payday bars. I'm hesitant to try more varieties for fear that I'll be left to do something with a whole case that doesn't sell. I'm dropping the prices some this year from where the original owner had them to see if that increases sales. I would really like to find something to fill it with that will stay viable longer. I was thinking maybe some kind of gourmet nuts sealed in a tin may last longer. I may have trouble finding enough variety to keep the machine(s) from looking empty though. Ideally I am looking at finding new locations for the combos and maybe getting some used drink machines to put at these locations. I'm also thinking about hiring RJT to come down and help me find some good locations and straighten this mess out. Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you.

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I'd try Famous Amos, Knotts Raspberry and Keebler Sugar Wafers along with some Kettle Chips - these sell pretty well for me and they have a good shelf (5 to 6 months). For the candy section, get a skittles combo pack - that will fill up about 6 slots for you. If the location's just a dud, bite the bullet and shut it down - been there, done that.

Getting Robert to help you out would also be a good move but I doubt he'll be too thrilled with your current equipment. I'd sell those combos and let somebody else find a new location for them.

The funny thing about snacks is; it only takes about about one or two people (hillbilly calls them junkies) buying something to make it a great item for you. The challenge is figuring out what those items are. I've actually taken 5 wides doing a hundred a month up to two hundred a month just by figuring out what people would buy (assuming they'd buy anything).

Ps. Those Granola bars taste like crap - even my dog won't eat them and he eats everything (literally)

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Like moondog said bite the bullet and fine a different location, I been there and know what your going thru! A lot of places say we want healthy and then it just sits in machine until you put junk stuff and sells take off! Give me machine shops and pipe yards, places where a lot of men work and I'm happy to go refill machines! Also bar rooms, just chips no candy tray!


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