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Just found this forum doing a search of vending management software. Looks like a good source of info.

For me, I bought an existing vending business at the beginning of 2008 (just as the economy blew up) and have been improving and refining it since. No vending experience prior to buying the business (the prior owner was one of our insurance clients)

I do mainly bulk toys with limited candy, a whole mess of plush cranes/candy cranes/toy cranes, and more video games than I care to admit (they are a money pit for the most part). Can't forget the scales which were a nice surprise that came with an acquisition of another business.

I have made more than my share of expensive mistakes (getting too heavy into video for one) and I am still learning the business as I go.

Looking forward to learning from you all.


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Hey a fellow Texan and a fellow Mike, a great day indeed. ;D ;D

I don't know if he has sold everything or not yet but another member in the Houston area a few months back we looking to sell his bulk route and move to California.

His screen name is dperry, send him a pm if you have any interest.

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Welcome, Mike!

I've been curious about the video game business, primarily because the original owner I purchased my full-line route from was also selling a couple video game arcades in local malls. Because games are so far outside my familiarity (or comfort level), I passed, but have always wondered whether that would have been a good buy or not.

When I was a teenager, I remember pouring a good amount of money into games at the arcade!

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I am guessing you are better off with out the videos. Videos are dying off slowly but surely with maybe a few exceptions like Dave and Busters types of locations. The only type of video that does any good for me are the sit down driving games. I figure people for the most part don't get that at home with their gaming systems. The games you have at home and on your iPhone are just as entertaining as the arcade games are now.

I am starting to phase out the video games in favor of more varied kinds of bulk and crane type machines.

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I am starting to phase out the video games in favor of more varied kinds of bulk and crane type machines.

I agree on the video slowly dying out, don't see any more traditional arcades around anymore. The only places that I see a "gameroom" is associated with some sort of FEC.

I wonder though if there might be a opportunity to create a niche market by placing some of the old classics and pinball in places like small neighborhood bars? Your thoughts??

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I'm no expert on this by any means but I almost did the video arcade thing. Then I realized not are the machines expensive but once the kids figure out the game, they get bored with it. Sales decrease. Today, I rarely see people playing these anymore.

So I went with the bulk vending and happy I did.

My 25 cent worth.

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I agree on the video slowly dying out, don't see any more traditional arcades around anymore. The only places that I see a "gameroom" is associated with some sort of FEC.

I wonder though if there might be a opportunity to create a niche market by placing some of the old classics and pinball in places like small neighborhood bars? Your thoughts??

I wouldn't take that bet. It would probably be popular for about 2 months before the novelty wears off.

I have a couple classics games and they are space fillers at best. I guess the good part is that they won't be replaced by a new version like a Big Buck Hunter or Golden Tee.

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