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Request for feedback on vending ebook (currently free)

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Hey everyone. Longtime user of the forum looking for some feedback on my ebook about whether or not you should join the vending business. My goal with this book is to show the honest truth of what it takes to succeed in vending.

Today and tomorrow I'm having a free promotion. That means when you click the link, you can download it for free. I would love to hear your thoughts and, if possible, get more reviews.


Thank you and happy Tuesday!


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I downloaded and read the ebook. I like the portions of setting up the truck and analyzing a location. I didn;t care for the scamming portion up front. I think more details on each topic would be beneficial.

I would also running a spell check as I found a few typos

Great start and with a few updates it will even me better

thanks for sharing

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  • 4 weeks later...

I finally got around to reading this book. Honestly it is not very good. It is more of a book on how to be a good route driver than a how to on the vending biz. It gives some good cautionary advice which i liked but it really overlooks a lot including the entire sales process! You dont really go into how does someone get an acct, how do u prospect, how do you pitch,how do u do proposals. Also it says mothing about equipment, how to buy it , fix it, what to look for in new/used equipment. Its not a bad start but i feel it is a rip off if you charge anything for it, sorry better luck with the second edition.

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