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New guy and have a moral question


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Greetings all. I'm new to the business. I purchased a route in place and have a few machines I've located and pulling some slower locations after I find them a new home. What I was wondering about, is it wrong to locate a machine in a location if there is another machine there? I don't want to take business away from anyone, but at the same time, I know I would provide better service.

Another question, our local credit union, I've been with them for years. They already have another vendor there. Would it be wrong for me to remind the CU manager that I've been with them for years and brought quite a bit of business there?

Thanks for all the info. I'm learning more than what I ever would have thought from a forum like this.

Brad in Illinois

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Nah, hit them up! Competition around here is tough, so I don't have a choice if I want to build up my routes. Everyone has to understand that in business we have to compete, so go for it! I have locations with between 3-6 total vendors, it's not uncommon at all. On the other side of the coin, I have a few locations where management is loyal to me and won't allow other operators in where I have my machines. Don't expect that though, locate as if there aren't already machines there just try to use different product.

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I would say it would not hurt. Business is Business right? Something I did to get into a bowling alley over in my neck of the woods.... Chat with the owner and if he says, "we already have one", hand him a quarter and have him purchase candy from the other machine. Offer him more product per purchase and better variety.

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Greetings all. I'm new to the business. I purchased a route in place and have a few machines I've located and pulling some slower locations after I find them a new home. What I was wondering about, is it wrong to locate a machine in a location if there is another machine there? I don't want to take business away from anyone, but at the same time, I know I would provide better service.

Another question, our local credit union, I've been with them for years. They already have another vendor there. Would it be wrong for me to remind the CU manager that I've been with them for years and brought quite a bit of business there?

Thanks for all the info. I'm learning more than what I ever would have thought from a forum like this.

Brad in Illinois

Competition is ultimately good for customers. It will force both of you vendors to provide high quality product, in clean equipment, with great customer service.

Let the best vendor win! I understand not wanting to take business away from someone, but it will likely make both of you better vendors in the long run. And it's good for customers.

Win-win in my book, go for it.

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Greetings all. I'm new to the business. I purchased a route in place and have a few machines I've located and pulling some slower locations after I find them a new home. What I was wondering about, is it wrong to locate a machine in a location if there is another machine there? I don't want to take business away from anyone, but at the same time, I know I would provide better service.

Another question, our local credit union, I've been with them for years. They already have another vendor there. Would it be wrong for me to remind the CU manager that I've been with them for years and brought quite a bit of business there?

Thanks for all the info. I'm learning more than what I ever would have thought from a forum like this.

Brad in Illinois

the best indication of an account thats easy to get is another guy has equipment there :)

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Thats a true statement dogcow................go get them its business, chase down every possible location and use your skills and take advantage of contacts if your able to get you in the door, never ever pass up an opportunity, well not if you want to win!

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Ok don't worry about morals. Throw the other operators machines and put yours in their place. Really if you can kick out the other vendor(s) then do it!! I always attempt to be the exclusive vendor and then saturate the location so there is no room for anyone else. On my charity route I may put three two heads when one would suffice, but I want to keep the competitors out so I put three. But charity is really not that great for me. I know of some people who do good with charity, but bulk and flat in restaurants and grocery stores where you pay the owner commission is where mo money can be made. I could be wrong. Tbuford

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Ok don't worry about morals. Throw the other operators machines and put yours in their place. Really if you can kick out the other vendor(s) then do it!! I always attempt to be the exclusive vendor and then saturate the location so there is no room for anyone else. On my charity route I may put three two heads when one would suffice, but I want to keep the competitors out so I put three. But charity is really not that great for me. I know of some people who do good with charity, but bulk and flat in restaurants and grocery stores where you pay the owner commission is where mo money can be made. I could be wrong. Tbuford

I think it's everyone's goal to be the only operator in each account, but most won't be brutally honest, so I give you props!

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