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People Post your revenue Reports in the Revenue Section!


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I am just starting out and have read through may of the beginning members as well as members with a fleet at their command (JEALOUS!!!) ;D Anyways it is way to outdated! We need some recent updates and keep this forum fresh B). Anyways Once I get my first five machines running (Waiting for a few locks from ebay to come in and a chute door and a few other items) and located I will post a revenue update! Lets keep this forum going Lady's and Gentleman.

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I think most members are scared or lazy I usually post all my stuff u can easily put

Pizza joint tripple $56 etc

But I stopped cuz no one posts anything

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Thanks TKK. I was just curious if anyone still does. I don't think we should let parts of the forum die just because people are lazy. And I am not saying blast your sales in any means. I was just saying a few numbers would be nice. See what type of locations are making what? You can compare how you are doing to other people. Especially when you are first starting off... for example me ;D However I do not think people should be bragging or vice versa attacking other people about their sales. In the end it is everyones own business and they can handle how they deem fit! B)

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Just as a heads up that is why we have a bulk vending revenue report section. Just for the members that do not know!!! Just drop me a quarter in one of my machines for that excellent fact lol ^_^

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I used to post my earnings in there until I expanded my route and some new competitors showed up in town. Not knowing if they frequent this forum, I don't want to share too much about what locations I have, how much I make, what commissions I pay, or even what products sell well at which locations. I feel okay making general statements like havendings about a new product or machine that I had a good experience with, but the pressure to keep my business competitive and profitable has escalated in recent months. The market in my area has been pretty wide open for a while and I've had it mostly to myself, but with new guys moving into the area (based on the area codes on their stickers I know they're bigger guys from out of town) I'm reluctant to share anything on here that might compromise my business.

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Yeah I totally understand and agree Sheperd! I wanted to here more from like the New Guys ya know. That maybe have one or two machines out! More inspiratonal for the other new guys!

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No problem, I understand how you feel. When I first started I used to read through all the revenue reports, too. Sometimes I still look at them. I haven't updated my signature in a while, but my route has expanded significantly in the last few months and it has shifted my focus in some pretty dramatic ways.

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Yeah thats why I like to hear them! Sounds like you have only been doing bulk for a year or two! Did you start off with buying a route or buying and placing some machines on your own?

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Yeah thats why I like to hear them! Sounds like you have only been doing bulk for a year or two! Did you start off with buying a route or buying and placing some machines on your own?

I just want to make a sugestion,I think it wouldn't be such a bad idea to create a success story section where vendors could post their success instead of revenue.
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Rick that is an excellent idea!! The only problem is it would die off like all the other post unless it got a ton of views and comments!!! Or I guess the moderators could probably help keep it running! Good suggestion though! It would be inspiration to all the new members joining daily to this forum!

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