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Hello everyone so I recently purchased two Vendstar 3000 Triple heads. (Pretty sure that is what you call them) It was on a whim and it set me back $40. I wanted to start this as a project with my daughter and we cleaned both the machines tonight and tested them out and they are working well.

I am going to be doing the research before we buy the candy, though from what I have read I am leaning towards PMM, MM and Mike and Ikes.

Would appreciate any suggestions. Places to buy candy etc. I live in Covina which is by Los Angeles and was just going to buy the candy from Costco.

Anyway looking forward to learning, and teaching my daughter a little bit about responsibilities etc.

PS I know I need a business license and will be getting that as soon as possible.



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IMO ::

I purchased 40 locations 2 months ago. They were my first candy loc. They all had PMM and MM I threw away a ton of them because they were old and discolored. I did my home work and figured out the cost for vend and there is very little profit at 6-7 per vend. Same with MMs. So I have decided to convert all over to Runts Skittles Sweettarts and reeses. I don't see much differents in my machines that don't have MMs compared to the others. gross sales are the same. profit is way better. I know that people say PMM are the best and faster saler but at a quarter there is no profit when you figure cost fuel and time.

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