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Cheap VS Frugal


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I'm always looking for a deal when it comes to obtaining another machine.... Everyone tells me that I'm cheap... I tell them I'm frugal and there's a difference....

Frugal means I'm going for inexpensive....

Cheap means I don't like to spend money....

I can prove it to you.... Give me some money and I'll spend it.....

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There is a difference between being cheap and frugal. Sometimes being frugal may mean spending more money in the short run.

Cheap is often more expensive then being frugal. It is like losing an engine because you didn't want to spend the money to change the oil.

At one time I purchased a washer/dryer from a rent a center. I didn't have the money, or credit to buy something at the time, and felt awful that I was spending more then double the cost of these machines. But the payments weren't any more then what I was spending in the laundromat, until I paid the thing off.

Definitely not cheap, but I think it was the frugal thing to do.

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People call me cheap too! B) I'm proud of it though! I just reply with: "Well, yes I am!" Hey, if you can get something for $50 that they wanted $100 for and get a fast ROI, why not?!?!

Unless I get a good deal on vending machines, I won't buy them, so I've gotten every single one for a great price! I could care less what people think, I'm here to make money, so I don't "rip people off" lol If they say agree to a price, then they are fine with it.

People that tease ya for getting a deal are just jealous! ;D

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