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what kind of machine do I have?


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I acquired a machine from my girlfriend's uncle, but I have no idea what kind it is. I think it's stainless steel or something. It has four compartments, three for candy and one for gumballs, and it rotates. It also says UNIVEND and UNI4 on the sides of it. Thanks. Also, what is the easiest way to keep track of income for taxes? Is one machine even worth keeping track of? I hope to expand, but am kind of frustrated with self locating. Thanks.

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I've seen those before, they look decent, although I've never owned one.  If you got a killer account (not real likely being a 1 machine operator) then you need to keep track of your sales, expenses and product cost.  Keep all receipts.  I believe you would claim it as a side job.  Honestly, I don't think 1 machine is worthwhile unless you place it somewhere that you frequent.  Most likely, you'll receive around $20/month gross sales and I'm sure you're looking for more.  All of us here have multiple locations because that's really the only way we can make it work.  Of course if you did get into some stellar location, then it's a different story.


If you're just looking for a hobby, I know in the state of Oregon you can receive up to $400 gross a year that you don't have to claim.  Check into that with your state and see what the number is because you might not need to claim it because of the small numbers.

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