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Ice Cream Labels

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I posted thie elsewhere before seeing this section, sorry... I am looking for labels for the Fascorp Z400, my distributor says he has none... of course I can make them up myself but would prefer actual flavor strips and/or good printable files for same... anyone have a source?  Thanks

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I have found that I have a bunch of factory labels that will fit your Z400.  I have lots of food and ice cream labels so if you could tell me which ones you are looking for I will see how many of them I have.  Some of the ice cream labels are generic such as Vanilla Cup or Ice Cream Bar, but I also have branded ones.  Shoot me a list of what you want to use.

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Thanks!  I did get the large ice cream labels from my distributor, and had to cut them down substantially to fit, so I'm still looking for the right ones... Blue Bunny or Rich's Ice Cream Brands for giant sandwich, large chocolate sandwich, chocolate shortcake, strawberry shortcake, choco taco, Rich's bar, Chocolate chip cookie sandwich, orangecicle, and Strawberry fruit bar, and popscicle brand for kids novelties... can't believe the distributor didn't have them with all of the labels they do provide. 

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