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#220 Big Oaks Locks


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I just ordered a rack oak machine (used) and the locks on the big oaks are so tight they snapped one key already. All 4 locks are extremly tight, before i snap my last key has anyone ever run accross this problem and have a quick solution?

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Try some PBJ liquid greese wrench or something? I forgot what its called exactly but suppose to help loosen bolts, sparkplugs, etc. Get it at like pepboys.

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Yeah I used it on my spark plugs. You spray it on and let it sit for like 5 minutes and its suppost to slowly work its way throughout and help lub it. I think it has a yellow cap. But I bought an 1800 that was to tight on top and has gunk in it and I am going to have to drill it.

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Try some PBJ liquid greese wrench or something? I forgot what its called exactly but suppose to help loosen bolts, sparkplugs, etc. Get it at like pepboys



Power Blaster or PB-16. Be careful, it will dull the Lexan and possibly burn a hole through it.  PBJ is peanut butter and jelly.

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Power Blaster or PB-16. Be careful, it will dull the Lexan and possibly burn a hole through it.  PBJ is peanut butter and jelly.

No its not powerblaster. I'm not sure but I can look it up later if I find it in the garage! And I know what PBJ is lol!

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I just ordered a rack oak machine (used) and the locks on the big oaks are so tight they snapped one key already. All 4 locks are extremly tight, before i snap my last key has anyone ever run accross this problem and have a quick solution?

I would use WD40 over PB Blaster first.  PB Blaster smells worse and uses harsher chemicals.  I prefer the oil pen type of the spray so I can control the amount of oil that goes in the lock.  Make sure the key is seated FULLY in the lock before turning.  And remember Righty Tighty, Lefty Loosey  B)

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