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dixie narco E series not giving change

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as many of you might have read in another thread, I recently bought a route. I am quite the newby but I'm learning. My family and I were on vacation last week that had been planned for many months before we acquired the route. Long story short we were playing catch up today and my wife serviced a few of the machines while i was back on my full time job. We got a call tonight saying that one of the pepsi machines that was serviced today isn't giving change now. It is a dixie narco E series multi price bottle machine that is owned by pepsi. It has the remote lock system and from memory I know it has a MEI conlux 5 coin mech, but thats about all the details I know right now. 10 days ago when I was there, I do remember that all the coin tubes were full.  I want to arm myself with as much info as possible before I go to the location to try and remedy the problem. Please give me whatever common problems/solutions as you can think of so that I increase my odds of getting this thing back in service asap. 


If the coin mech is not giving any change, you might have the Multivend option turned on.  If Multivend is turned on, the display will continue to show the change amount until another selection is made or the coin return button is pressed.  Download the manual for the SIID programming from Dixie Narco:$FILE/SIID_2btn_programming.pdf

and read page 11 to check for the setting of MV-Multivend. 


If that is not the problem and the changer is simply acting as though it pays change (counting down on the display) but won't dispense it, then you may have a coin payout problem in the changer or a stuck or gummed coin if it is supposed to pay one denomination out.  Of course, you might also have the price set wrong or the changer is improperly programmed for the cassette configuration.  Here is a link to the Conlux programming manual: http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CC8QFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.meitechnical.com%2Fmei-files%2Ffiles%2Faccess-public%2Fdocumentation%2Finstallation-guides%2Fconlux_ccm5g-1us.pdf&ei=mjbJUZOcN4epiALW9oGwCQ&usg=AFQjCNHmgPCK6n6wvmdC-RdtQg78hHzQIg&sig2=j1Rl5UgZ_ifk6vPJlqS0BQ&bvm=bv.48340889,d.cGE&cad=rja



If you aren't properly trained to program the machine or peripherals, you should not be randomly working through the programming until you have thoroughly read the manual for the device.  Otherwise, you could leave the machine in an unknown configuration.


Thanks AZ!! I will study those programming pages regardless of the problem. Unless the programming can change on its own somehow, I really don't think thats it because this machine has been in place for a few years, and we have personally serviced it 4 times and never touched any of the menus or programming options. I will however run through all of those ideas to make sure none of those are the problem. I will let  you know, so that maybe it will be helpful to someone else in the future.


My first though would be a coin jammed in the payout module (at the bottom of the coin mech), but I'm not familiar with the conlux. I had this happen the other day on a Mars690, that was just a case of re-parking the sweep arms, but a quick internet search shows this has a slightly different payout module. see at about 1:25 on 


as many of you might have read in another thread, I recently bought a route. I am quite the newby but I'm learning. My family and I were on vacation last week that had been planned for many months before we acquired the route. Long story short we were playing catch up today and my wife serviced a few of the machines while i was back on my full time job. We got a call tonight saying that one of the pepsi machines that was serviced today isn't giving change now. It is a dixie narco E series multi price bottle machine that is owned by pepsi. It has the remote lock system and from memory I know it has a MEI conlux 5 coin mech, but thats about all the details I know right now. 10 days ago when I was there, I do remember that all the coin tubes were full.  I want to arm myself with as much info as possible before I go to the location to try and remedy the problem. Please give me whatever common problems/solutions as you can think of so that I increase my odds of getting this thing back in service asap. 

The problem I've had with the Conlux 5 is that the connectors at the bottom of the cassette will wear out if you continuously remove the cassette to load coins (like I did).  If this is the case, replace the cassette and use the slots at the top to load coins in the future.  This is a 4 tube cassette so you can have an extra quarter tube or one tube for dollar coins depending upon your needs.  When you pull the cassette, you'll see the brass connectors on the bottom - this is a common problem with this coin mech.


Falls, Thanks for the video and yeah a coin jam is one of the things that will be checked for sure.


Moondog, Thanks much for the info on the conlux mech. If this was the problem, would the LED be flashing letting you know you had a problem?


One more thing. One of the soda selections that is normally a slow seller unexpectedly sold out this week, and we didnt have much in the truck, so she changed to another flavor temporarily. I really can't think of anything this could have caused, but im also pretty inexperienced.


The worst part is that im stuck in an office (JOB), and have to rely on my wife to go check it out. If its something simple like a coin jam then I'm confident she can get it going, but if its something that she cant remedy then she is going to call me so that maybe I can give her more ideas to look for. I printed and gave her the programming instructions that AZ pointed out.  Thanks everyone


One more thing. One of the soda selections that is normally a slow seller unexpectedly sold out this week, and we didnt have much in the truck, so she changed to another flavor temporarily. I really can't think of anything this could have caused, but im also pretty inexperienced.

Make sure the sold out selection is priced correctly and test vend the selection to ensure it isn't dropping two or more products.  You don't say how long you have had the route so I can't say how much history you have of that selection.  Perhaps they hired someone who likes that flavor.


PS:  You mention in your first post that Pepsi owns this machine.  If you determine the problem is in the coin mech payout, just call them to replace the coin mech.  Hopefully the seller explained the arrangement with Pepsi is that you take care of coin and bill jams, price and flavor changes,  and Pepsi will take care of anything more major.  Make sure you have Pepsi's core lock in the machine before they come out for a service call.

Falls, Thanks for the video and yeah a coin jam is one of the things that will be checked for sure.


Moondog, Thanks much for the info on the conlux mech. If this was the problem, would the LED be flashing letting you know you had a problem?


One more thing. One of the soda selections that is normally a slow seller unexpectedly sold out this week, and we didnt have much in the truck, so she changed to another flavor temporarily. I really can't think of anything this could have caused, but im also pretty inexperienced.


The worst part is that im stuck in an office (JOB), and have to rely on my wife to go check it out. If its something simple like a coin jam then I'm confident she can get it going, but if its something that she cant remedy then she is going to call me so that maybe I can give her more ideas to look for. I printed and gave her the programming instructions that AZ pointed out.  Thanks everyone

Yes, you would have a flashing light on if your connections are bad - have your wife pick up another cassette, these don't cost much and it's something she can do without your help.


Swapping out sodas will have no effect on your coin mech.


AZ, I bought the route about a month ago, and have had 4 services so far, and yes if its an actual failure like moondog is referring to and not just a jam or something simple, pepsi will be servicing this machine. I don't plan on buying any major parts for THEIR machine haha.


so my wife just called and said that when she got there there was an out of order sign on the machine, and she did a quick look over and tried vending and it worked fine then asked the management who was close by what was the problem. I guess it never didn't give change but took money and didnt give product one time, but then another employee spoke up and said that he ended up with a freebie last night and he got 2 for the price of 1. So anyway everything is fine, and just had a can jammed up. I don't understand how wires can get so crossed sometimes, anyhow thanks for all your information, i'm sure it will be used in the future.


If the machine gives 2 sodas and next vend gets nothing on one selection the brake on that motor may be bad.


Often I find someone will rock the machine and get a soda to come out but the next person to make that selection will get shorted. This happens when the anti cheat devices are damaged or missing.




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