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In need of pop machine repair


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Sorry if I am posting this in the wrong spot.....
I have just gotten a call from the Toledo area
They have a pop machine that they own that is not
keeping the pop cold..... Anyone know of someone
in that area that would be able to help them out?

Our repair man does not go that far south.
It would be good for us to know TOO
we do get calls for repairs needed in that area
would be nice to have a name and number to be able to
pass onto them


Sorry if I am posting this in the wrong spot.....

I have just gotten a call from the Toledo area

They have a pop machine that they own that is not

keeping the pop cold..... Anyone know of someone

in that area that would be able to help them out?

Our repair man does not go that far south.

It would be good for us to know TOO

we do get calls for repairs needed in that area

would be nice to have a name and number to be able to

pass onto them



I think we have a member here, cvending, that is in that area - you might private message him.


Collet, I am in Ohio but on the wrong side of the state for Toledo area. You may be closer than I am to the account. Sorry, but I am not able to help. Good luck


Thanks... I chatted with them
He is to far away too.

I have posted a message about it on Facebook
Maybe that will help

Thanks again for trying

Collet, I am in Ohio but on the wrong side of the state for Toledo area. You may be closer than I am to the account. Sorry, but I am not able to help. Good luck

Thanks for the reply


Thanks... I chatted with them

He is to far away too.

I have posted a message about it on Facebook

Maybe that will help

Thanks again for trying


Thanks for the reply




I didn't think Ohio was that big - out here we drive a hundred miles without blinking  :rolleyes:


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