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Look back to some of your proud moments.  Maybe you gained a great location that still is making you great money today.  Think back to when a client complimented you on your service.  These types of things will help you gain the confidence in yourself and in your business that will help persuade not only yourself, but also a potential new client that you are the right person to provide vending services.  Showing confidence when locating is sure to show positive results.  Good luck!

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3 steps:


  1. Practice your pitch on friends and family until it's somewhat smooth. Use your own everyday words and don't write the speech out. At most, just write a few bullet points that you want to hit on, but that's it. Make it natural and conversational. But, get to the point.
  2. Once you are getting to the point smoothly and hitting all your bullets without reading your notes, then go do it in the "real world". BUT make sure your first few attempts are at locations you don't mind not getting. Pitching places that probably wouldn't be gravy locations are good for getting the remaining kinks out of your pitch and building your confidence in marketing to strangers; you go in there with almost nothing to lose.
  3. Once pitching to those types of locations smooths your nerves a bit more. And once you notice your able to comfortably answer a location's questions/denials, then you are ready to take the next step: Calling on whatever types of locations you want to target. By then, don't hesitate to call on the hot locations.

Note: Do not think you can wait until your butterflies go away to start locating. For some of us, they never go away even after years and years. And there's no shame in that...unless you let it stop you from reaching your goals.



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I work in sales so trying to find locations is not too far off from what I already do.


Here is a tip, just remember when you speak to people... if they say no, you will never have to see them again. So who cares if they reject you. Do business with people Worthy of your time!

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I cold call for at least an hour every day. And one day a week, I will redial potential customers who declined our services previously ( normally after a 30 day or more interval ). The one word I learned to get used to was, 'No'. Unless a person specifically tells me not to call again, there will always be an opportunity. At times, you can just give them a quick hello, or maybe educating them would help. Explain the direction your business is going and how they would benefit. Everyone is in business to make money. If you can show them how easy it would be to let you do the work, and have them collect a certain amount of cash consistently, they'll come around.

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Everyone is nervous whenever they start doing outside sales. I did medical sales out of college, and cut my teeth that way. It is much more cutthroat than any type of vending sales. I live for cold calls and talking to folks. Read books and audio cds. Build your confidence! Remember the feeling you got whenever you landed a stud account and take to the sale. Believe me it gets easy with time!

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