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Crane 627 - help


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I have a Crane 627 coffee machine.  I put a VN2501 validator and VN4010 coin mech.  At first it worked fine, accepted $5 bills and gave change, something happened and now it says "use exact change" when a $5 is put in.  Wont accept $5 bills or give change for $5 bills.  I tried a different coin mech (trc6010) and same problem.  I have gone through every setting on the machine and not finding anything that is set wrong to not take $5's.  I appreciate any help on this one.

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If your coin tubes are full, you should download the manual and learn about the Tube Fill method so that the machine can learn how many coins are actually in the coin mech. This will then allow the machine to continue taking 5's.

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Thanks for the advice AZVendor.  I do have the manual and it doesn't mention anything other than filling the coin tubes.  I do have some Rowe 5900's that I need to go in and tell how much coin the mech has when I load them, but I have never had to do that on any of the Nationals.  It definitely thinks that it does not have enough change for the $5, it will take a $1 and give change no problem, and it worked with the $5's at first.

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Yes, I just read the manual and I was wrong about that.  There is no Tube Fill program.  Try this:


If any of these settings are different, press Edit to change them.

  • Press Machine Config - you'll see ENGLISH US
  • Press the down arrow - you should see DUMB MECH.
  • Press down again - you might see CHANGE.$.1.2.5 or NO CHANGE.$.  NO CHANGE is for a force vend.  If you want bills to be changed without a purchase then set CHANGE.$.1.x.5
  • Press down again - you should see NO DECLINE
  • Press down again - you should see OK.$1.x.5 for the acceptance of 1's and 5's

This next item may address your issue.

  • Press down again - you'll see either $1.ACC<1.00 meaning the machine will accept $1 when there may not be enough change for the customer, OR you'll see $1.INH<1.00 where bills will be inhibited if less than $1 of change is in the coin mech.

I presume that these rules will apply to $5 bills too.  So that would lead to the questions of: Did you have the coin tube correctly programmed for the cassette of your VN4510 coin mech? and Was the 6510 coin mech a known good coin mech where all the coin tube sensors work properly?


The only other thing that could have happened is sometimes when using Mars/Mars devices you need to make 3 or 4 purchases with coins only to convince the coin mech that there is sufficient change in the tubes, then try your bills. 

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AZ method will work but


I find it simpler to fill all the coin tubes to capacity close the machines door and buy an item with a nickel dime and a quarter that will fall into the cash box.


This event sends a signal to the machines computer and should clear this error.


This works with AP, Crane and Rowe equipment.




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Thanks for the help.  I finally got a chance to get back to this machine today.  I filled up the coin tubes, inserted each type of change and made sure I heard it falling into the coin box, and it now takes $5's just fine.  It looks like it just had a glitch.  I appreciate both your posts and will make sure to follow this procedure when installing a new coin mech.

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  • 1 month later...

This same problem has come up again.  The machine just quits accepting bills and says "exact change".  If I add coin until it overflows, then will work fine again.  The problem is that it still has about 30 1 dollar coins and at least 10 dollars in quarters along with plenty of nickels and dimes.  The coffee is set at 75 cents.  Any thoughts?

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Try resetting the coin mech as well.

Press and hold the Mode (yellow) button

for 2 seconds (the LED will begin to

flash). Enter the 3 letter code that

corresponds to the cassette layout.

The LED will cease to flash.

You probably have a DAA config - 10c, 5c, 25c, $1

I generally take the long route and purchase an empty line until the mech is full - I know this works for me, but will screw with things if you are using any of the machine accounting functions.

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Elvin, did you follow Walta's recommendation to manually fill the tubes to the top and then make a couple of coin purchases that cause all those coins to go into the coin box?  This is to signal the machine that the coin tubes are full. 


I would also suggest you have a questionable coin mech as this really sounds like a tube sensor error such as the top nickel sensor.  The nickle tube is usually the key to enabling a bill validator.  I know you said you tried a TRC 6010 before but was it in perfect condition?  Try a Coinco 9302L - maybe your machine doesn't like Mars coin mechs.  It has happened before.  Or try a 110v coin mech instead, as there have been instances I've come across where a machine didn't like the 24v mechs.  Or, more likely, there is something hinky in the 24v circuit to the changer.

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