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Why is this happening?

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This is on a Wittern BC-10.  I have 2 of these machines and they both do it.  It's usually only the right 2 columns.  And it's not all the time.  1 of the machines I even tried a slider thingy.....no help.


Sticky bottle?

Loaded too full?


Neither of those explains why it's only the right 1-2 columns.



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That is called "bridging" and is caused as the bottles stick to each other and the side walls when the column begins to narrow and the bottles are competing for the same space.  This is what the black plastic shims are supposed to prevent.  Are you saying the shims don't help this problem?  Rather than cooking spray, use Food Grade Silicone spray on the side walls of the columns and see if that helps.  You can get the silicone at Grainger's.

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I tried the sliders.  When that didn't solve the problem, I took them back out.  Maybe I should put them back in?  Probably won't hurt.


Are those the "shims" you're talking about AZ?


It also just seems odd that it only happens on the right side.  And it very rarely happens on a back row. 

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I have encountered issues like this in USI CB700's before and it seems to only be in one or two columns.  I think it's due to poor manufacturing tolerances and all their glorified sheet metal parts don't get put together properly sometimes.  Yes the black plastic filler panels were what I was talking about.  You can only put one in each column.  Did you have the bridging occur even with those fillers in place?

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I used to have this problem on several machines that I serviced.  One thing you have to do is to wipe the plastic shims down.  Usually this solves the problem.  The next best thing to do is probably to try to replace the shims because these machines usually don't have this problem until they are worn.

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