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How do you guys respond to these questions when you are servicing?


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Here are some obnoxious questions that i am sure all of you deal with on a daily basis... I thought it would be fun to see what you guys say to customers when they ask obnoxious questions.

All of these things really are not that bad, but when you hear it all day, every day, it gets old.

1 hey that's cheatin!

2 that's the easy way!

3 how bout I reach my claw in there and grab one!

4 if I give you 50 cents can I have one!

5 hey.. Quick...take the money before he sees us.

6 how much money does this thing make?

7 nobody ever wins on that thing.

8 same person every week tells you that they spent $30 trying to win... And did not win.

9 are you the owner.

Here is how I answer them.

1 pretend I did not hear them.

2 pretend I did not hear them

3 pretend I did not hear them

4 no... If they ask again, I ask them to buy me a meal for 50 cents and we will call it a deal. Never had any takers.

5 it's usually an old guy trying to show off.. So I just say you better run fast buddy.

6 pretend I did not hear them.

7 if that were true I wouldnt have a job.. Or.. Why is this empty?

8 I tell them to quit playing.

9 it's usually a 20 something woman asking this.. I usually say why do you ask... They get embarrassed and I don't have to answer.. . In the rare event that a man asks that question... he is either interested in a machine for his location, or is another vendor.

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1. help me lookout for the cops why i rob this thing

2. dont tell nobody my secret

3. go ahead, take your pick just $10 each

4.now your trying to get me fired ,that aint nice
5. its easier to shoot somebody running away than running at you,,just kidding!

6. well you see it makes.....pause..... how much money do you make at your job by the way??? if they answer just say..ohhhh it doesnt make that  much!! how can i get a job where you work? can i have your number? what is your name? where do you live? do you like puppies and long walks on the beach?:huh:???

7.i wish, then i wouldnt be giving all these toys away, ive tried nailing them to the floor, putting cement in them, everything but these dang kids just keep eating my lunch here.

8. Ill make a deal with you,, you put 10 bucks in this machine right now and play it and if you dont win ill give you one free..

9. naw i just work here

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Here are some obnoxious questions that i am sure all of you deal with on a daily basis... I thought it would be fun to see what you guys say to customers when they ask obnoxious questions.

All of these things really are not that bad, but when you hear it all day, every day, it gets old.

1 hey that's cheatin!

2 that's the easy way!

3 how bout I reach my claw in there and grab one!

4 if I give you 50 cents can I have one!

5 hey.. Quick...take the money before he sees us.

6 how much money does this thing make?

7 nobody ever wins on that thing.

8 same person every week tells you that they spent $30 trying to win... And did not win.

9 are you the owner.

Here is how I answer them.

1 pretend I did not hear them.

2 pretend I did not hear them

3 pretend I did not hear them

4 no... If they ask again, I ask them to buy me a meal for 50 cents and we will call it a deal. Never had any takers.

5 it's usually an old guy trying to show off.. So I just say you better run fast buddy.

6 pretend I did not hear them.

7 if that were true I wouldnt have a job.. Or.. Why is this empty?

8 I tell them to quit playing.

9 it's usually a 20 something woman asking this.. I usually say why do you ask... They get embarrassed and I don't have to answer.. . In the rare event that a man asks that question... he is either interested in a machine for his location, or is another vendor.


1:+ 2: are about the same

I usually Ignore or fake laugh...


3: sure $10 and you can have choice..


4: My boss counts each one and its all on camera sorry..   or generic answer..


5 I get WOW that is allot of money...    the one thing you do not want the owners of the place to hear...

It has been better switching to the account 603.. i just weigh the quarters and the bills fast...


6 I wont answer  or say it takes about 300 machines or so to make a living.. 


7: then why am i filling it or is it half empty now?


8:  The people that say that to me are usually the staff or employees..  

i just tell them i adjusted the win rate you should win this month..


9 Depends on how they are asking    if they are angry or seem like they got a complaint  i say i work there  can i take a message? something wrong?

Usually its someone looking to make side part time money 

i tell them unless you can repair them its not for you at all.  99% cant fix anything.



if they are just gold digging looking for a MAAAAANNNN...   then i say its family owned and operated.

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9 it's usually a 20 something woman asking this.. I usually say why do you ask... They get embarrassed and I don't have to answer.. . In the rare event that a man asks that question... he is either interested in a machine for his location, or is another vendor.


I run into this all the time. Young adult to middle aged women asking me about how much the machines make. I assume a lot of them are stay at home moms or work part time and think vending is an easy source of extra income that requires no time or cash investment. I always tell them that I have about 50 locations between 4 different cities and you can actually see them lose interest at that point. You can tell they're doing the math in their head figuring out that it actually takes time and gas to drive to all of those locations, and you have to pack and organize all your products in a vehicle to go with you. The few that keep the conversation going beyond that point lose interest when I tell them that I do most of my servicing on my lunch break from my regular job. At that point they start to realize that 50 locations in 4 different cities can't bring in enough money to live large. I never tell how much I make, but they always lose interest when they start realizing that it is just like any other business: it takes time, money, and effort to make money.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Our answer to buying/selling plush is always "we don't have a license to sell retail". Ignore all questions. But they always laugh after they tell me no one wins and I reply "no one is cleaning me out, look at all the plush I have to put in here." Just ignore them outer try mace it you want.

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