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Wouldn't the drop sensor prevent the next vend by indicating a sold out in that column?


You would think so!  The first thing I would recommend is to verify that this is definitely a 721 and not a 720.  Those are two different machines.  The 721 has a drop sensor and the 720 has sold-out paddles.


His description doesn't make much sense for a v21.  The only thing I can think of is that the sensor is messed up but I doubt it.  I wonder if this is a Vendo 720. 

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I was under the impression that the 721 was the best machine on the market.  From the problems I've experienced to the problems I'm hearing here I am wondering if my impression was incorrectly placed.

I posted about a week ago regarding a problem with an 821 dropping to many or to few 24oz bottles.  There has got to be a fix for these.

The problems stated seem to point to bad drop sensors.  Has anyone attempted replacing it?

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I will be at the location with the 2 vendo 721s next week. I will get on the phone with vendo,  I am pretty sure it is something simple. I have a feeling it is a drop sensor, or drop sensor harness is a problem or some basic programming error! I will reply back to this forum, I will also make contact with vendo tech support management and INFORM them of this problem. Hopefully soon it will just be a bad dream!

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If all of the setup steps are correct and have been double checked then try the Learning Mode (program item dL within the Options menu (OPtS.)  If that doesn't help then look for a physical issue with the motor, gate link, gate itself or the bucket (rotor). 


Following that, there is a specific failure associated with the vend sensors.  There are two sensors on the same harness with both attached to the delivery chute.  If either or both fail, the harness is nicked or damaged or the board doesn't see the sensors then you will get 4 consecutive vends from the column before it shows sold out.

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We reviewed and implemented all suggestions offered here if needed.  We found that an occasional can was out of alignment and protruded sideways from its proper place.  After careful restocking, we had no improper vends. In our case, it appears to be operator error? It is still strange that it only occurs on one column. Thanks to all and will report anything new.. 

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We reviewed and implemented all suggestions offered here if needed.  We found that an occasional can was out of alignment and protruded sideways from its proper place.  After careful restocking, we had no improper vends. In our case, it appears to be operator error? It is still strange that it only occurs on one column. Thanks to all and will report anything new.. 


Out of alignment?  Can you clarify what you mean by that?  It's actually quite difficult to stock a machine improperly with cans.  About the only thing you can do wrong in that machine is to literally stock some of the cans vertical.  A simple task like stocking them all horizontally is so easy, even Moondog can do it.

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Chris in BC:  Do you have any news re this problem?  I didn't describe my findings very well but the machine is working properly at this time. I understand your machine is dropping cans on multiple columns. Mine was limited to one only. I am especially interested in any word you might have from Vendo. Thanks.

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You should look for a physical cause of incorrect vends from a single column. The best thing to do is to empty the faulty column and a working one next to it. Compare the physical parts in each and look for a possible shim that was added to the bad column and that isn't in the good column.  It could have been added by the previous owner for a different product.  Look very closely from underneath for anything that isn't the same in both columns. Remember that the 2 columns may be in different vend positions. You could put them both in the same position before emptying them if that would help. If you can't see any difference between columns them put 2 rows of cans in each column and start test vending them, alternating between the two. Watch the vending action from underneath looking for what causes the tipped can. If you don't see the cause then watch from above as the cans feed down. If it still doesn't act up then you may need to add more cans to the bad column if the weight is needed to make it malfunction. Just make sure you do many repetitive vends and that you take your time to pay close attention to what happens.

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I have one customer that has 2 new vendo 721 machines, I was not able to get there last week. I will be there early next week and I will take AZ's advice of using the "learning mode". I will also phone vendo tech support and work with them on this issue. But I will def report back to this forum.

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Chris in BC:  I believe we have found our problem. Taking Randy's advice we observed all of the mechanical elements of the #8 column and found that the slide that is pushed forward for cans and aft for bottles was creeping back. We had all in proper order earlier and have only had this problem with #8. Now for the capper! Another machine #8 did the same thing.  I think you mentioned #6 and #8.  Maybe some element in this area is vibrating. We will look into this. In any case we will find a way to secure the slider. We have used different soda cans with same effect, so don't think it could be some edging or such on a certain brands. Anyway...check it out and get back. We are still interested in any info you received fro VENDO.  Regards!

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