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exact change problem


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The tubes are filled but the message exact change problem appears.


My coin mech is MEI 7612 brand new.


I thought it could be some coin mech problems so put 2 other brand new coin mechs

but the message appears with all of them.


any insights?



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I did both, filled the tubes using the machine (the message appears) then filled using the coin mech (the message appears too).


I have an old Polyvend 6640.



Prior to use this brand new coin mech I used an old coinco that had only 3 options of coins. It failled and I had to change it.

and the new one has 5 tube coins options.

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The CF7612 is for export to South America which I recall is where you are at.  The Polyvend 6640 will probably not handle a coin mech that new properly.  You should go back to a three tube coin mech that the machine was designed to work with.

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The CF7612 is for export to South America which I recall is where you are at.  The Polyvend 6640 will probably not handle a coin mech that new properly.  You should go back to a three tube coin mech that the machine was designed to work with.

yes I am in Brazil. the problem is that the 3 tube coin mech failled it's discontinued here.


The new coin mech give change for the higher product prices but the cheapest products  the message appears. 

the problem is the change in small coins, I changed the configuration but the problem continues.

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