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La Crosse vending machine


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Looking for parts for my La Crosse Pepsi machine, model 168-5. Specifically, the locking mechanism does not "deal" the door closed right....Think I need new lock. Also, suddenly, none of my "empty" indicators light up. Need bulbs? Something else?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Whee can I buy parts, manual, etc

Thanks. Sentimental reasons.....would rather repair than replace.

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You might be able to use some form of standard door lock handle.  Post a photo of yours and the issue it has and we'll see if it's a standard T-handle.  Does the machine still vend okay with the sold out lights not working or does it continue to vend when the columns are empty?  This might not be a sudden problem but may have always been there and you didn't know it because you never let a column run out of soda.


You can also post questions on something this old at http://www.colamachines.com/forums/index.php?PHPSESSID=20c57db0c1a32ce8f635df29e0fd6b20& and see if someone there knows anything about it.

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