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Movie Stop Power Supply Halogen Light Line Help

Gs Vending

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I recently bought a Movie Stop machine and I need help with the power supply line to the Halogen lights. I just need to know where the two wires go to. Below are pictures. Thanks!



The power supply lines form top to bottom:










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Does it still have the wiring diagram inside the unit? If not, I did manage to scrounge THIS up online, which might lead you to the answer.


If it's got a diagram, I'd look that over to make sure all the parts and whatnot are accounted for, and that what is set up is set up properly. If it is, one would assume that the leads for the halogens would go on the open points on the power supply- to be sure without frying the lights (or yourself), grab a voltmeter to see if the current matches for the lights.


Good luck!

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I took out all the Halogens in mine and since both of my light fixtures in the unit had issues as well, I replaced everything with some nice fixtures and it lights it up plenty. Don't bother with those Halogens!!!

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