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AP 113 & National 147


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Local re-furbisher has AP 113 and National 147 for sale at  $1400 ea. He claims both MDB and DEX conversions. I understood that the 147 was not capable of conversion...don't know about the 113 but skeptical of both. Also high prices for these older machines. I am only buying snack machines able to do CC. I know everyone on the forum talks lower prices but such are slim here except for just junk. Any comments welcome.

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Both can be upgraded with an aftermarket board to allow MDB. You need to verify that they have new boards in them. If they have MDB components, you're in luck. And I believe the AP 113 is superior if it has dual coils. And $1400 for a refurbished 147 or 113 with an upgraded board is a good deal to me.

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