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Today I learned


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Today I learned that just because a validator to coin mech harness looks "new" does not mean that it works/functional.


I wonder how many validators over the years as a 3rd party vendor did I swap out, when the problem was the harness.


Now that I own most of my machines,  I don't like replacing a $200 validator when It only needs a $12 harness.



Are the symptoms for a bad validator versus a bad coin mechanism the same?  Should I get in the habit of changing out the harness first!!



A big thanks to VENDiscuss and my fellow vendors.  I successfully set up my 1st vendo ( color clips)  jackpotting problem on the same machine/change the vend motor switch,  Converted my DN 276E to vend 16 oz monsters successfully.  Fixed a screwed up t-handle.  Change out a DN cooling Deck, fix a lighting problem on a high out bubbleface.


Very grateful!!!  You guys Rock!!!



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Validator problems are not usually due to a bad harness but it can happen.  You should always try a replacement validator or coin mech first.  There are too many harnesses you'd have to have so do the easy swap first, then go from there.  That way you'll be playing the odds and you'll hardly ever replace a harness.

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Unless someone is carrying the coin mech around by the harness, the one attached to the coin mech rarely fail.


If the harness can be unplugged from a BA without disassembling the BA never send away the harness as it is unlikely to come back with the BA.


When the harness does turn out to be the problem it is often because the wires were pinched in the door or damaged by the coin return mechanism.



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