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New Route for BluePlate


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Just bought a new route today.  having a little buyer's remorse, but I will tell you after I service the whole thing.  The route has 38 machines, in 34 locations.  Most of the machines are Vendstars or Ultravends (Which are horrible).  I agreed to pay $2100 in total.  The deal includes all product. I gave $1000 down and the rest of the money is due Mid March. 

The records (which are very detailed) show the route is doing a little over $500/month.  The last time most of the route was serviced was the last week in November (I get the cash in the machines).  Remaining payments are contingent on the route doing close to the $500 in December.  So far it is coming out right.

My two concerns are the Ultravends are just not a good machine(as far as I'm concerned), I am going to begin to replace them.  Next, the route is 1 hour and 45 minutes away.  The good part is, with a little work there is definately room to improve the exsisting locations - some locations seem to be under preforming, I think it's a less then pleasing looking machine.  My goal is to get the machines in a position to service every 10 weeks.

I moved with a little blind faith, but I think it could be a winner with some hard work........

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Congrats on the pick up Blue. Was that the route that was advertised in the Republican? I answered an ad in the Republican a short time ago for a route. The price seemed similar but the VendStars and Ultravends turned me off.

How much bigger do you want to grow? I may be looking to get out of bulk all together.


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I missed the ad in the Republican.  This one is out near Boston :shock:.  My goal is 200+ locations.  I travel a lot for my full time job and I have hotel points coming out of my ears, I love using them to do my route.  Not sure it can last forever, but I'm having fun! 

Let me know if you want to sell, I'll buy one at a time or a lot.  I just got a location in Palmer, thought I would sell you that one, they are a little crabby!  It's a Chinese restaurant and I guess there was a few Skittles on the ground. 

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Congrats on the pick up Blue. Was that the route that was advertised in the Republican? I answered an ad in the Republican a short time ago for a route. The price seemed similar but the VendStars and Ultravends turned me off.

How much bigger do you want to grow? I may be looking to get out of bulk all together.


Just thought, we should get together for a beer, I heard there is a cute little bar near you.  It's called The Lantern or something like that:cool:
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