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Vendo 720 air leak

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I have been fighting an air leak for months. Pan keeps overflowing, so put weather stripping over gasket on cabinet. This fixed the problem until it came loose. Called vendo and they no longer sell replacement gaskets for 720s. Cut old one off and put on stripping **** vendo recommended, and I'm back to square one.

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Sometimes it can be a sticky delivery door.  You should even check the back of the machine.  The most simple way (but not always the easiest) is to try to find condensation somewhere where a leak is likely to happen, such as the door seal.  Sometimes, if you are lucky, you will find condensation in one or more spots.  It will look as though the machine has been sweating in that one spot, and this indicates that there is an air leak.  However, I think this depends on the relative humidity.  The two most common places I have found air leaks are around delivery doors and the actual machine door itself just above the lock.  I would check the delivery door, but it sounds as though the problem was clearly your gasket around the perimeter of the door since you said it was fixed until it came off.  Have you tried using a stronger adhesive to keep the weather strip on?

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