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What you guys thin about this route?


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6 soda machines dixie narco

All six in diferent junkjards not too far from each other. 200 to 300 weekly.

For 5,500?

What you guys think?

That's a decent deal if the machines are the 501 models.  Figure on this account taking about three hours a month (twice a month servicing) and clearing $500 to $600 .Anytime I can clear $100 an hour or better I figure it's a decent wage.  The best part is you're not dealing with any stinkin' snack machines so you're only carrying maybe ten different products.

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6 soda machines dixie narco

All six in diferent junkjards not too far from each other. 200 to 300 weekly.

For 5,500?

What you guys think?


I've known of a few junk yards but they didn't make much money, nor did they have very nice equipment.  I'm expecting that you find old dirty DN 501T's selling cans only and probably only actually doing half of what's stated.

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