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Rowe 5900 upgrades


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I'm picking up a handful of 5900's that are in good condition for next to nothing. Yes I know they're older machines and some would call me crazy for dumping money into them. I'm looking for recommendations to upgrades. Obviously upgrading the board to be able to add CC capability. But what about the coin mech and the bill collector? Any thoughts on adding an e-Port or a ParLevel or swapping the bill collector to one with the CC integrated, if possible. If I'm going to dump the money into these machines, I may as well do it right the first time. Also, do they make a more modern keypad for these? Thanks in advance.

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There are no later keypads for them but there are aftermarket logic boards that let you do MDB which is required for card readers.  You'll then need to upgrade to MDB coin mechs and bill validators.  Email me at rbepic4gatgmaildotcom and I can get you all the parts needed for this.  You can expect to spend close to $600 or more to do each machine.

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I will be upgrading the board. As far as CC readers, I've looked at the e-Port and the ParLevel.  I've also seen the bill validators with the integrated CC reader; any thoughts on those? The Coinco iris reader is what I was looking at. Will they even be able to work on the 5900 once MDB enabled?

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I have upgraded quite a few 5900's and the best upgrade kit I have found is the one made by Vendors exchange. (Cleveland, OH) It accepts MDB changers and validators and works well with credit cards.  It comes with a new display in the kit.  The only problem is the keypad.  Rowe told me years ago that the only thing you can do for the button assy is to rapid fire each button and it will clean the contacts.  

Don't let anyone scare you away from 5900's as they are great machines.

Check the suppliers for used, updated MDB changers and validators. However, buy motorized changers not snap coil payout.  Three tube changers lose memory if you lose power.  I personally like Mars 7512, 5 tube or Guardian 6 tube.  Side note on the guardian...always send to a Coinco service center for repairs as Coinco will not let 3rd parties have updates for them.  My Guardians work great since I have had them upgraded to XL.

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Thanks Amigo. I was looking at the ones from VE. I think those are the ones I've decided on. I picked up a National 145 as well. I like that both machines use the same board. It's going to make programming so much easier. 

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