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Back in June of 2011 spoke to a large distribution center in Rancho Cucamonga, CA.  They have 300 plus employees, 8 machines and a 24./6 work week.  Each June spoke to them, they told me to check back next year. Until this past June.  Made an appointment, got my vendor to go and helped with the presentation.  Was told to check back in a month.  We did and were told to check back in a month.

Called in August we were told to send over the contracts. (3 year automatic 90 day renewal).  Just got them back signed with a Nov. 1 installation date. Only doing 6 machines (instead of 4 drink using 2 Bev Max).  We got the account because of energy Star machines and CC readers plus ice cream in the food machine. Our pricing was a little higher but the machines are solid.

Cross your fingers for us.





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