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Tips from buying a machine from Craigslist?


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I need a new drink machine and I have been looking at my local craigslist for some. So I was wondering when I go to look at some machines what are some BIG things I should check before I EVEN think about buying the machine.

Hope to get some good pointers! Thanks!

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What kind are you looking for?

If you are looking for newer multi price machines, broken stuff is not an automatic no go, just deduct the cost of the repair from the value.

Pretty much the only thing that will "total" a newer machine is severe vandalism (like being pried open), and being dropped (pushed over, fell off a truck). This is because it's really hard to repair a machine that been pried open, and damn near impossible to repair a dropped cabinet( the machine "twists" and is no longer straight, and you get lots of jams.)  Rust shouldn't be an issue, unless its really deep (most equipment is rustproofed really well, so unless it was at a chemical plant or something it should be fine). Other than that, damaged wiring can be a pain (ie the cabinet harness has been chewed up by rodents)

All this is assuming that it is a Dixie Narco, Vendo, or Royal Vendors.

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Make sure that it has been plugged in for a couple of hours before seeing it to confirm that it cools.  Then take 10-15 of each coin with you to see if the coin mech accepts coins, pays coins out and then if the validator is enabled and accepts a bill.  You'll need to simulate a filled column to do this on a single price machine and you can hold down a sold out paddle to do so.

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I admit to being a CL addict and even buying changers and validators off fleabay!  The more you know about fixing machines the better off you are when looking at used ones.  You can get some great deals if you take your time, and have the money and space to jump on the good ones.  My last purchase was a royal 650 for $250 - it looked like sin but the cooling deck worked, someone had stuck an old changer and validator in it that were not even MDB.  I had to buy one replacement cable for $10 and pull a changer and validator off the shelf, spent some time cleaning it up and it was good to go!  It's not the classy rebuild that LACanteen just did but I'm kinda liking it!  But - I found it when I had money and space, not when I was in a rush to get something on location.  If you need it NOW then prepare to pay a little more to get what you need in working condition...

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