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National 145 door compatibility


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I have several old 145's in the field.  A few of them (more than I would like to admit) came out of the factory with no place for a validator.  I have a few 145's that have Mars validators already on them and working.  What I am wondering is if I could hypothetically swap doors (and perhaps the control boards if necessary) to get the older 145's to take bills.  I have one 145 specifically on a location where I am going to outright scrap the machine and give the account a better machine, but I would also like to get at least one other 145 to be able to take bills.  Call me cheap, but I don't want to pay the mover to switch one 145 for another 145 and I also don't want to put any more money into some of these locations.  This particular location does well and I'm giving them something with a drop sensor and all.

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