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Mdb coin mech in cavalier pop machine


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Hey all, 

I've been hired to fix a cavalier pop machine with coin mech issues.  It's a six plug mdb, so I bought a mars trc 24 volt six pin mech, and the machine error says "cc" meaning bad mech or bad mdb cable.  

Cable looks good what else might be doing this?  He doesn't care if Bill acceptor works.  

If it is mdb cable which one do I get?

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I wasn't aware that Cavalier built any MDB machines before their demise.  Are there instructions in the machine that say that CC means a coin mech issue?  If so and the mech you used is a confirmed good one then the logic board may be bad or the validator may be bad.  MDB  runs through the validator first and then to the coin mech.  If the validator is bad your coin mech won't work.  Connect the mech directly to the logic board and bypass the validator to see if it then works.  You say you were hired to fix it but how did that happen if you don't know how MDB is connected in machines?

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I should really phrase the owner of the max 2400 cavalier said it was a coin mech problem and when I went to install I saw the cc error.  I'm not a tech by any means.  There is a maka validator maybe a make to mars harness will so the trick?

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