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Sold Out Stuck On but Vends Manually


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I have a Coke landscape. I think it is a Vendo based on looking at similar pictures and motors but I am not sure. 

One selection is fully stocked but the Sold Out light is lit and will not vend. I unplugged it and plugged it back in and it is still lit and will not vend. However, it will vend manually if I trip the motor by flipping the little switch out. 

Any thoughts on how to fix it?



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I think that is a dixie narco.  I very well could be wrong.  But you need to replace the sold out switch.  Should be able to see it when you pull the vend motor cover.  The sold out paddle presses the switch when column is empty.  So just follow the paddle lever to find the switch.

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It could be several things but it's almost certainly a messed up switch somewhere.  If it's only one selection, it may very well be the sold-out paddle like Chard said.  Also, that's a very odd looking machine.  The front looks like a Dixie Narco but I don't know what single-price machine has 7 selections, unless it's some kind of a weird single-price 276e.

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That is a DN machine and it has 7 buttons because it's a Coke door where there is always one less button than columns because button 1 always controls columns 1 and 2 for the always popular Coca Cola flavor.

Check that your products are spaced far enough forward to fully depress the sold out paddle.  They may be pushed too far back if  the rear  spacer isn't adjusted properly.

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