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Reinforcing the pink ribbon box


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Hey everyone! I've been doing a mix of bulk vending, tried my hand at full size honor boxes, and currently using pink ribbon boxes (about 375 on location). 

Anyone who uses the pink ribbon boxes, knows that eventually they can start to look a little beat up. The coin slots get pushed through, and the sides of the money box can start to bow outward, encouraging theft. 

The pink ribbon box is a great display, no doubt. That being said, I have a few tips I hope will be helpful to others, and hopefully this will help extend the service life of each display. I've learned so much here, and want to try and share a few things I've learned. 

Be patient with me, this is all being done from my phone, and I'm going to add a new post, and description for each part. Happy vending everyone! 

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The fix: 

Attach popsicle sticks to the underside of the queen box comma making sure to put them as close as possible to the edge. It can even be useful to make them visible by overlapping The Edge slightly, then people seem to think that there is a wooden box inside of the money box. I use Clear packaging tape and run one piece of each side

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Sides of the money box are starting to flex, bulge, stretch, and invite someone to rip it open. Having the box full of candy enhances this problem. I'll be the first one to admit, it is not very often that you're going to have a box full of candy and a coin box full of money, so I'm just using this for example.

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The fix? Good ol clear packaging tape. I use one or 2 strips, and pull the side in. You can hardly tell it's there, it looks more secure, and the box will last longer. 

I also use one piece of tape, and start at the 3 for $1 sticker, and run it down the side. Male sure it's long enoughto go to the underside of the box. 

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