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24' Smart Industries Candy Crane 5th Generation won't turn on


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Hey! I recently bought a smart industries candy crane for $100 non-working. When I plug it in it does not turn on. I was looking for some in site on what could be wrong. Right now I'm thinking it could be the power supply or who knows what. There is 2 fuses I found laying around on the bottom of the machine but I can not think of anywhere those would go. Nothing seems like it's missing fuses, where would they go? Power supply, board, gantry?  Any help would be really appreciated. Thank you in advance! 

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If the crane does not turn on at all, start at the plug end of things. There should be a fuse there. Replace that fuse and follow the wiring throughout the machine. 

I think there is only one fuse on most cranes for power, but you never know. Got any pics you can share and we can help out that way?


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As with any type of machine, or device that uses power, a multimeter is your best friend in diagnosing no power up issues. Start at the wall, make sure there is good AC voltage at the wall where you plug the machine in. Test again at the other end of the power cord. If you have any drop in voltage I would get a new cord in there. Follow it from there and check to make sure you have power going into the power supply with no drop or 1 or two volts of drop. If you have power going into the supply but not coming out, bad supply. If power is coming out of the supply, your probably looking at a bad PCB. Try to find a wiring diagram/schematic, it will help you a lot.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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