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AMS Visi-Combo Compressor Issue - electrical?


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Hi fellow snack folks,

I have had 3 AMS Visi-Combos for about 3 years. The compressor on one machine is not working.

I bypassed the machine and plugged the compressor directly into the wall. The compressor starts running for 2 seconds and then cuts off. I plugged it into a surge protector and after the 2 seconds, it pops the surge.

The distributor I bought the machines from says I need a new compressor, but to me this sounds like an electrical issue.

I've tried to find someone to work on it, but I can only find a couple of folks who are talking in the $1,000 range. I'm a very technical person, so I'd rather just learn how the compressor works anyway.

I found a very useful section about removing the compressor (linked below) which I plan to try. I'm hoping I'll be able to see if something looks fried on the electrical that I can replace or at least get a sense for how to install a new compressor if that's what's needed.

Basically, I'm looking for 2 things:

1. Does anyone have any pictures of the AMS Visi-combo 39 compressor so I can get an idea of what I'm going into before I get there?

2. I'm open to any advice or suggestions here. If you know reasonable repair people in Philly, I wouldn't be adverse to that either.


Thanks muchly!


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That is a bad compressor and you need to pull the condensing unit and rebuild it.  It could be close to the $1000 you've heard if it's a 1/2 hp compressor.  That compressor costs about $700 now.

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43 minutes ago, AZVendor said:

That is a bad compressor and you need to pull the condensing unit and rebuild it.  It could be close to the $1000 you've heard if it's a 1/2 hp compressor.  That compressor costs about $700 now.

Really that much?!? I have bought replacement 1/2 hp compressors for around $450 Australian, and everything is generally heaps more expensive this side of the Pacific. Danfoss compressors. I have a good deal with a fridge mechanic where I buy the parts and just pay him labour. He charges a lot less than most and knows my machines pretty much inside out.

To get to the compressor you need to remove the bottom tray to give you space to work and then unbolt the cover, unscrew the evaporator and the base of the condensing units and then slide it forward and out.

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Do you have a refrigeration vacuum pump and charging gauges? Do you have a charging stand to measure the R134A? Do you have silver solder and acetylene torch? Are you certified in refrigerant recovery? Do you have a refrigerant leak detector to check your connections? Have you ever done this?


If you answered no to any of the questions above, you will not be able to "swap out" the compressor.

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47 minutes ago, Megabyte said:

Thanks everyone,

I've been given a nice quote on a refurb Compressor, Dome only 1/2 Horse Power. If I pull the entire deck out and bring it to my workshop, should I be able to swap out the compressor?




Don't be a do it yourselfer or you'll regret it.  It's actually possible to blow up the compressor in the wrong circumstances and/or severely burn yourself.  Don't be cheap, pay a pro to do the work.

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