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Re-introduce myself Buzz Bite Supplier


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First I want to apologize to the forum for posting my URL in my signature and in my postings. Obviously I didn’t read the rules closely. Won’t happen again! Besides I was kicked out of the forum and my ID deleted so I learned my lesson fast. You guys have great monitors and a very clean site. Lots of pornography on competing sites.  

My name is Keith Woodard and 2 years ago I got into energy vending through National Vending Systems, who later became Mad Dog Energy. I purchase 368 machines based on testimonials from “so called current vendors,†who quoted sales in the $50 to $75 range per month. I put out over 200 machines and only saw an average of $3 per machine. Plus I used a locator and many of the locations were – well let’s just say many of those machines are no longer placed. A local vendor Troy Tyler contacted me because my machines were placed at many of his locations as he had about 1000 locations in OR, WA and ID. His company is called The Candyman USA. He noted that the Buzz Bite machines did not take away from his sales and wanted to know what our sales were. We did have some good machines, a juice bar doing $50 per month, a telemarketing company doing $75 per month, but a lot of machines doing under $5. Troy said it is really about proper placement, promotion (he had been in vending for 12 years and his Father was a vendor). I sold him all of my machines (at a discount) and he went to work and now he has about the same number of machines out but in good lunchrooms, businesses, retail where college kids hang out etc. and he is almost averaging $15 per machine. This increased locations sales where he placed the machines by 20-30%.  I know there have been a lot of bad posts about Buzz Bites, but the short version is that Vroom Foods (Manufacture) sold product to a company, who then turned it into a business opportunity and when Vroom Foods figured out the full scope of what was going on, ended their relationship. I personally think that Buzz Bites are the best energy product ever invented with the same energy as a 5 hour energy shot at 1/6th the price. I went to Vroom Foods with the data from our vending stats and convinced them to allow me to sell the Buzz Bites in bulk and capsules to Bulk Vendors so that Bulk Vendors could use any machine and not have to buy an 8 column energy chew vending machine made by T-Pico. Plus capsules basically don’t jam, but the Buzz Bite machines periodically do jam. So this is who I am and why I am on this forum, to redeem the name of Buzz Bites and assist Bulk Vendors in vending Energy without an outrageous investment. Buzz Bites are not for every Bulk Vendor, but there are locations that do extremely well. I read a post where a Vendor is having good success at a Truck Stop, I have seen this before. Truckers love these things.

P.S. I have learned more in 24 hours reading through this site that I did in my 2 years going it alone. Wish I would have found you sooner.          

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