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Can anyone identify this machine?


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I bought these yesterday for 225 on craigslist.. good deal or bad?

i gotta order new locks for ALL of them because he was using a butter knife to open them, and im sure i either have to replace, or paint the tops. and there is no chute for one.







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I was thinking you got more machines. So you got one single head and one triple? If so, the single is eagle and the triple is oak 450's.

I'm not die what the market for used machines is like around you, but I wouldn't have gone over $100 around here.  Mostly due to condition and missing locks (which I usually change to my own, but use the others to sell or put on machines I may sell) 

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yea, 1 single and one triple. he originally wanted 285 but i talked him down to 225. i thought the macines + stands might make it worth it. but the fact that he doesnt have keys and no chute. i might have paid a little much but  whatever. im still new.

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When the tumblers are removed, that's the case. They just become an oversized nut. Any new lock won't open with such ease. You can try laigroup.com or just go to ebay if you're only looking for a few

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I have some locks for sale. We have all over paid for machines. I bought 8 4-way plastic machines, I put 1 of them on location for a little while but it kept jamming and had all kinda problems. I ended up throwing them out a couple of years ago :( You win some you lose some. I drove 4+ hours to get the %^$# things, I should have left them sitting there

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I've often overpaid as well. In fact the route I just bought two months ago, we've had to replace two doubles and a triple out of just 15 sites plus lost one the first service due to corporate crap. But many do bring in good amounts.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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