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I have a royal pepsi machine that is giving me a terrible fit. I have 4 columns that are full of product but yet it is showing "sold out" It doesn't have a sold out tab so as it uses a drop sensor to provide info on if there is product in the machine or not. I have test vending all columns and the products drop just fine. Any help would be awesome!

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I had that problem once, after unplugging it and counting to 10 and plugging it back in,  it seemed to clear the sold out msgs.  Hope this helps.

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good suggestions, opening the door is supposed to reset the sold out selections.... and you need to check the columns for jams and the motors for proper function, if product is not dropping when the column is loaded that would cause the sold out to begin with.   You can also go into the service mode and reset your error codes.

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As stated, the door switch is supposed to reset your sold out conditions.  If you have had the columns jam or sell out in the past which preceded this condition then your door switch is at fault.  If, instead, this problem is in the corner columns then you need to increase the sensitivity of your drop sensor by 1/4 turn.  After any drop sensor adjustment you must then test all columns to ensure the adjustment didn't mess up any other columns.

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