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LSS Chips- Price To Charge?


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I have some accounts where I only put in the small size serving (Around 1 oz) bags of chips. 

I want to start putting the Large Size Serving (Around 2 oz) chips in and would like to know what is considered cheap and what is considered expensive?

I am located in N.C.

Is $1.25 a reasonable price or is $1 more reasonable for LSS chips?

The few  accounts where I only sell the small bags are for .65 cents or .75.

If I start at a dollar for the LSS chips for the first time, it might be harder later on to increase the price, but on the other hand, if I charge $1.25, I would hate for people not to buy as many chips.

I don't pay any commission and in the accounts where I do have LSS bags, I charge .90, but this will be going up soon. I definitely want to increase this price to $1. I also find filling up coin mechs with dimes a waste of time when I feel like they should be $1 in the first place.

Do most of you pro vendors sell both the LSS and SS bags or just stick to just LSS.

I know the big companies like Sadexo only sell LSS.

In machines where I have LSS, the SS bags that I do sell are on the 2nd shelf separate and are the longer expiration bags of chips like Cheeze-it, Animal crackers, Chex Mix e.t.c.


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It depends on your area, but i would believe that $1.00 is good almost anywhere in the 48 contiguous states for LSS, except places with unusually high sales taxes on snacks maybe.

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Thanks for the responses.

What surprises me is that the LSS bags have a lot more chips in them, probably even twice as much more.

That's why you would think you can charge a lot more but I guess that's not how it works.

I have one account with SS bags like Ruffles for .75, so if I give them the same Ruffles but in LSS bags for $1, then they are definitely getting a good deal haha.


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2 hours ago, vendman0729 said:

Thanks for the responses.

What surprises me is that the LSS bags have a lot more chips in them, probably even twice as much more.

That's why you would think you can charge a lot more but I guess that's not how it works.

I have one account with SS bags like Ruffles for .75, so if I give them the same Ruffles but in LSS bags for $1, then they are definitely getting a good deal haha.


Again.. it depends on your area...  If they are willing to spend $5.00/bag, then why not do it?  Obviously, what you don't want to do is price yourself so high that no one wants your service and they'll go somewhere else.  So if your competitors are charging $1.25, then there's nothing wrong with doing the same.  Around here, I fight with people to get 90 cents out of a bag.

As for the size, I haven't checked recently but it seems like the majority of the LSS are about 1.5 ounce whereas the SS bags are 1 oz so you don't get double based off of what the bag says... you get about 50% more.  There are exceptions of course.  I think LSS Fritos are 2 ounce.

Regardless, the determining factor is what your local competitors charge, unless you have none.. then do whatever makes you the most profits.

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