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Dr. Pepper Manufacture / Expiration Decoding?

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The top code is what you want.  I would need one in front of me to be sure as i can't read yours, but if it was say.. G7205xxx... G represents the month (July) and 7 represents the year (2017) and the next three digits are the date starting from day 1 (jan 1st) so 205 is the 205th day of the year (which might be in July.  I just estimated for the example).  Another example is A8013xxx.  That would have been manufactured on January 13th, 2018.  So if your code starts with a 6 (or older) then it's well beyond expired.  Even most that start with 7 are expired if they are bottles.

What i do is just look at the month and year.. cause G is definitely for July (and they don't use I or L.. one of those two).  So i also know that July was around 8 months ago which is expired for bottles and nearly expired for cans.

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