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Dixie 600E

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Needing help with a used Dixie Narco 501E I purchased. Motors will home but not correctly, and sale mode shows SOLD OUT no matter what I try. Any advice regarding this machine would be much appreciated.

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You probably need motor switches for each motor.  This is a classic example of the the issues that arise when the motor switches go bad.  If you mean that the motors are moving when you close the door switch then that is what's wrong.  If the motors don't actually move but your display shows HOMing or Sold Out then you have a bad fuse on the logic board.  It must be replaced with the exact same fuse to protect the logic board properly.  If you need switches for it you can email me at rbepic4g@gmail.com.

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So every time I close the door switch, the display says homing, and then in order starting from 1 to 9 each motor will move.they make 2 full rotations and once this has completed the display says wait the bill validator will cycle and then it returns to sold out display. I have noticed that after this, each of the motor switches is not it one of the home positions on the cams.  However they are all in the closed positions and stop on the cams in which I assume is "between vend cycles". So what I did was loosen all the motor switches, moved them down while still being plugged in to "trick" the machine that each column is in a "home" position. Still with no change. So I'm not too sure what i am missing.

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