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Day vs evening to find locations


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Hello all,

I have a question. I am trying to get started into the honor box vending. I work full-time during the day 8-5, Monday thru Friday. My plan is to try to find locations in the evenings and weekends.

My concern is the people who can make the decisions are not available at that time. Does anyone have any suggestions of how to get around this? Does anyone else work a full-time job and trying to find locations?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!



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The biggest issue that you will find selling at those hours (evenings and weekends) is that primarily anything open will be retail.  Now, if you are going into the mint/lollipop honor boxes, that is no problem, since you should be targeting retail businesses (restaurants and anything with a front counter).  If you are trying to get into the Snack tray honor boxes, I would suggest not doing it.  While retail accounts can be decent accounts, you really want to go after the offices and industrial locations.  That's my two cents.  :) 

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Hello flintflash,

Thank you for the reply! I was planning on doing mints or lollipops or bite size (various ) candy.

I would like to grow this to replace my 8-5 income, so I can do this full time and get the better accounts.


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